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Shen Ping

Shen Ping is a renowned local ink painter, watercolorist and oil painter. In 1974, he entered Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts to study comics production, which enabled him to acquire diverse art skills, and was trained by Professors Gu Shengyue, Xu Yongxiang and Wu Guoting. His works have been selected by China National Art Exhibition, Beijing International Art Biennial and Hong Kong Contemporary Art Biennial many times.

Apart from artistic creation, Shen Ping plays different public roles. He is currently the Person-in-Charge of China Artists Association (Hong Kong), Vice-President of Hong Kong Art Association, Vice-Chairman of Hong Kong Artists Society, Chairman of

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Hong Kong Water Colour Research Society, Examiner of Visual Arts Panel of Hong Kong Arts Development Council and Person-in-Charge of Hong Kong Cultural and Art Foundation. He is also a course instructor at HKU SPACE and Hong Kong Visual Arts Centre.


Shen Ping is a prolific and versatile artist. Over the years, his works have been collected by the National Art Museum of China, Hong Kong Museum of Art, Hong Kong Heritage Museum, University Museum and Art Gallery of the University of Hong Kong, Philippe Charriol Foundation, Asian Museum of Watercolor Art, Shanghai Quanhua Watercolour Art Gallery, Sun Hung Kai Group and private collectors.


沈平是香港著名水墨畫、水彩畫及油畫家。於1974年入讀浙江美術學院連環畫進修班,師從顧生岳、徐永祥、吳國亭等教授。作品多次入選全國美術作品展覽;北京國際雙年展以及香港當代藝術雙年展。 除了從事創作外,沈平還出任多個公職,包括中國美術家協會理事、香港美協副主席、香港畫家聯會副會長、香港水彩畫研究會會長、香港藝術發展局視覺藝術委員會評審員及香港文化藝術基金理事等,並擔任香港大學專業進修學院及香港視覺藝術中心導師。 沈平作品十分豐富多樣,多年來獲中國美術館、香港藝術館、香港文化博物館、香港大學美術館、香港夏利豪基金會、中國亞洲水彩藝術博物館、上海全華水彩藝術館、新鴻基集團等機構及私人收藏。)

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