Ho Siu Chung
Ho Siu Chung, Alex is born in Hong Kong and graduated from
The School of Design - Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
The Guangzhou Academy of Fine Art - Master Degree in oil painting study
In recent years he works mostly in abstract painting to express his inner feelings with the nature. He uses different kinds of texture & gesture in either monochrome or multi-layers of colors. He also explores works on paper with Chinese ink.
The Hong Kong Art Development Council had sponsored a Solo Painting Exhibition
and published a book <Paintings by Alex Ho>.
His paintings were selected in both local and overseas exhibitions.
His works are collected by Hong Kong Museum of Art and Muesum of Hong Kong University.
何少中 – 1951 年香港出生,畢業於香港理工大學設計系及廣州美術學院
- 首、二屆廣東當代油畫藝術展
- 歐洲國際東方藝術大展銅獎
- 中國(北京)油畫展
- 中國嶺南油畫展
- 具象+抽象-香港當代油畫,水彩,版畫展
- 第十一屆全國美術作品展
- 穗, 港, 澳油畫巡迴展
- 香港油畫研究會之色彩與家園,作品「脈之一」為香港大學美術館收藏。
- 香港油畫研究會2012年首屆油畫大賽一等獎(抽象畫組)
- 穗深港當代藝術邀請展 2012
穗深港當代藝術邀請展 2012
香港油畫研究會油畫邀請展 2013,作品「脈之十」為香港藝術館收藏。
「水墨雙城」第四屆深港都市水墨交流展 2014
「港水港墨」中國畫學會香港會員作品展 2014
香港榮寶齋油畫展 2015
_ 一新美術館油畫展2016,作品「岸之三」為美術館收藏。
_ 港滬水墨名家交流展 2016